15th March 2011:  Two additions to my "arsenal" of tools!!!  The "bow saw" (Afrikaans = "Boesmansaag") left, was bought around a year ago at the Oasis Centre, Lansdowne Road.  The two-man cross-cut saw (Afrikaans = "tweeman-treksaag") on the right was bought about 2 weeks ago at a pawn-shop in Victoria Road, Grassy Park.


When I bough the 2-man saw, somebody mentioned that this is NOT a "cross-cut" saw but a "rip-saw".  I then phoned Norman (Calitz) to tell him about this saw and asked whether he'd heard of a "rip-saw".  He apparently had heard of such a saw.  A few days later he phoned me to tell me that a "rip-saw" could not be used for "cutting down" a tree, or "cutting up" tree trunks in the usual way - like we did with the trees on his properties all those years ago in the Sixties.  Apparently, a "rip-saw" was used to cut logs into "planks", i.e. one cut the logs length-wise.

One apparently has to use a "cross-cut" saw to cut down & cut up a tree!!!!  Never too old to learn!!!  This of course means that the saws in the next picture could be a mixture (or not) of "rip-saws" and "cross-cut" saws!!!

18th March 2009:  The first photo below was taken 10th of Feb 2009 at the Philippi Museum at the Lutheran Church.  I'm standing in front of a stand with a few "two-man crosscut saws".


Next, a couple of photos taken Feb/March 2009 at some sort of museum in Matjiesfontein:    The saw Norman and I used was about the size of this one.  (The person holding the saw in the photo is Les du Preez, a friend of mine - dankie vir die fotos, Les!!!)



The next two photos:  the top photo shows two lumberjacks with a "two-man crosscut saw" that must be at least 20 feet (6.1 metres) long - and look at the size of that tree trunk!!!  The next photo shows a "two-man crosscut saw" with a length that must be close to 3 metres (almost 9 feet 9 inches) leaning up against the trunk near the lumberjack on the right of the photo.




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