1949-1961 Hopkins Street - - with friends:

A view of our front gate:  taken somewhere between 1953 & 1955, I'm standing with Leslie Levy - and that's my Mom's bicycle leaning against our hedge on the pavement!!!  I think I only received my own bicycle in 1955 or 1956!!


Leslie and Ruth Levy - in their "yard" which was then common to their house and Oupa Levy's house.   I guess this was taken around 1953.  Behind them can be seen a fence and on the other side of the fence was then an empty plot.  A couple of years later a block of flats was built on this plot - the "Da Gama Mansions" - which would have been on your property's North side in Hopkins Street.  That plot was owned by the Srubis family whose house can be seen above the fence.  Their house was on the corner of Hopkins street & First Avenue.


And here I am with my buddy Mellvyn Calitz - we were standing outside the "Bedfords Outfitters" in the Main Road Parow - between Smith & Bedford Streets.  Definitely mid-1959 as I got my "crew-cut" hairstyle end of 1958 and was forced (by my mom!!) to grow my hair long again late 1959!!  In the "Bedfords" shop window behind us one can see the reflection of the Nedbank building across the Main Road.

[bc_mel c1959-ws.jpg]

The next photo was also taken mid-1959 in our backyard.  From left, Norman Calitz, me & Mellvyn Calitz.


The next photo was taken around late-1959 at Mellvyn's & Norman's house, in front of their garage.  Mellvyn is standing with the electric guitar their father had recently bought them.


On another day, Norman & Mellvyn posing with their guitar - again in their driveway!!



That's it!!!!  Hope you enjoyed just a little bit the trip down memory lane!!  If by now you still cannot recall anything - well at least I tried he he he!!!  There are MANY more photos I could have included but I think i've given you enough material!!  (Please let me know of any errors!)

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